Project Name | Program Manager for BEACON |
Client | Beach Erosion Authority for Clean Oceans and Nourishment (BEACON). BEACON is a Joint Powers Agency representing the Counties of Santa Barbara and Ventura and the coastal cities of Goleta, Santa Barbara, Carpinteria, Ventura, Oxnard and Port Hueneme. BEACON’s mission is the protection of the coastline and beaches. |
COM3 Scope | As contract Program Manager for BEACON, Mr. Comati of COM3 Consulting is responsible for oversight of all projects, funding, budget, policy and strategic planning. |
Total Project Cost | NA |
Project Name | City of Carpinteria Capital Improvement Plan Updated |
Client | City of Carpinteria |
Com3 Scope | Prepare updated Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and backup for updated Development Impact Fee program. |
Project Cost | NA |
Project Name | Measure A Strategic Plan – 2013 Update |
Client | Santa Barbara County Association of Governments (SBCAG) |
Project Description | Preparation of 2013 Measure A Strategic Plan |
Com3 Scope | Update and reformat “named” project Data Sheets for the 2013 Measure A Strategic Plan. Effort includes inclusion of “actual” expenditures and schedules as well as updates to projected expenditures and schedules. |
Project Cost | NA |
Project Name | Measure A Strategic Plan |
Client | Parsons Brinckerhoff (PB)/Santa Barbara County Association of Governments (SBCAG) |
Project Description | Preparation of the Strategic Plan for the Santa Barbara County Association of Government’s 2008 Measure A Transportation Sales Tax Program. |
Com3 Scope | As subconsultant to PB provided research and verification of cost estimates for Highway Projects within Measure A Program; development of excel model of projected expenditures over time for each capital project within the Measure A Program; assistance in development of project prioritization process; coordination with local agencies; assist in preparation of Financial Model. |
Project Cost | NA |
Project Name | Goleta Transportation Improvement Plan (GTIP) |
Client | City of Goleta |
Project Description | Development of new transportation plan for the City of Goleta. |
Com3 Scope | COM3 Consulting served as the prime consultant developing new cost estimates, project descriptions, and plans for over fifty CIP transportation projects. |
Project Cost | NA |
Project Name | STIP Monitoring |
Client | Santa Barbara County Association of Governments (SBCAG) |
Project Description | Monitoring of local Santa Barbara County agencies STIP funded projects. |
Com3 Scope | Provide program management/monitoring services for all local agencies administering local agency STIP funded projects. Effort included development of funding and timely use of funds threshold tracking schedules. |
Project Cost | NA |
Project Name | South County ITS Strategic Plan |
Client | Santa Barbara County Association of Governments (SBCAG) |
Project Description | Development of implementation plan for ITS projects on South Coast. |
Com3 Scope | Provide project management assistance to SBCAG staff. |
Project Cost | $2 M |
Project Name | Route 101 “In Motion” Implementation Plan |
Client | Parsons Brinckerhoff (PB)/Santa Barbara County Association of Governments (SBCAG) |
Project Description | Evaluation of long-range solutions to the deficiencies in the Highway 101 Corridor between the Santa Barbara County/Ventura County line and Winchester Common. |
Com3 Scope | As subconsultant to PB, provided intergovernmental liaison and implementation plan development services. |
Project Cost | $2 M |
Project Name | City of Santa Barbara Resource Allocation Model Project |
Client | City of Santa Barbara |
Project Scope | Development of a computer model to assess personnel resource needs for the City of Santa Barbara Department of Public Works. |
Project Cost | NA |
Project Name | City of Carpinteria Capital Improvement Plan Development |
Client | City of Carpinteria |
Project Scope | Development of a Capital Improvement Plan and related cash flow model. |
Project Cost | NA |